NekNominate Germany

Central banks are like a group of mothy wallets at the bar. Their drinks are running low and they are trying not to be the first to finish so as to avoid getting in the next round. The Fed has already said that as they got the last round, and the one before, they ain't stepping up again. Abe's out too having bought the 1.5 litres of 100 Proof sake which has turned out to be weaker than everyone had hoped. The moaning skinflints of the emerging markets, lecturing socialist drinking equality, can't afford a pot to piss in (let alone to buy the substance to fill it) and the rich Emerging Markets are doing alligator arm impressions and trying to hide their rolexes. So it would be rather honourable for Draghi to push his way to the front and declare that this round is on him.

But as ever it's the teetotal German, who everyone would rather wasn't in the bar at all, holding things up through a combination of moral lecturing and downright threats. But there has been talk from "sources" that the Germans may be willing to get off the wagon and share a sip of sweet sherry.

But TMM would like to go one step further. You may have heard of, or even participated in the Facebook craze of NekNomination which has seen young adults around the world formally participate and publish a form of self abuse that in the past we did quietly in private, namely mixing up the remnants of the cocktail cabinet (or worse) in a pint glass and drinking it.

TMM hereby "NekNominate" Germany to neck a pint unsterilised liquidity, film it and put it on youtube.

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February 6, 2014 at 11:01 AM ×

C says
I think I would rather have my money in 'sauces' as opposed to on 'sources'.
Anyway Germans love 'the pain' too much to give in.

February 6, 2014 at 12:03 PM ×

Epic Pol ;)

I guess another question is even if the ECB does "ease" in some form whether it will actually achieve anything meaningful for the real economy, which from perch is still trapped in a disinflationary equilibrium.

I don't know the answer. Just saying. I have been cynically long peripheral equities since mid 2012, but the earnings "recovery" rather unconvincing.

Saul Bollox
February 6, 2014 at 7:05 PM ×

Mangler loves to grab hold of a big one and get it down her Gregory.

February 6, 2014 at 9:23 PM ×

Meanwhile the US diplomats discuss the Ukraine situation, "F*k the EU" being one of the more pithy sentiments.

US Diplomats Caught in Undiplomatic Exchange

Has there been a lower quality of people in the US administration since Nixon? I mean, a lot of W's people were genuinely evil, but they weren't from the bottom 10% of the class like some of this lot. How can the US people be represented by Victoria Nuland? UFB. This person is a dirtbag.

Don't even get me started on the economic data factory and the surveillance state....

February 6, 2014 at 10:14 PM ×

Victoria Nuland is a career foreign service officer, started in the State Dept. during the Reagan admin. She is married to Robert Kagan; one of the masterminds of the Project for a New American Century, along with William Kristol. She also was the principal National Security Advisor to Dick Cheney for a couple of years. Why she got nominated as Asst. Sec of State is a bit of a puzzle to me.

February 7, 2014 at 12:00 AM ×

Ah NFP time, the monthly reminder that while you're too educated to work at a circus, ironically that's precisely where you find yourself.

Is 'bad' news indeed 'good' news? Or is 'good' news not good enough and thus 'bad' and therefore 'good'? Tune in tomorrow for an answer which will only be revised, usually drastically so, in the months that follow! Oh boy!

February 7, 2014 at 2:02 PM ×

C says
"Is 'bad' news indeed 'good' news?"
Depends, if the quant data is bad and a Fed tell's you it's transient due to the wrong kind of snow. In essence telling you it won't affect Fed policy then bad is actually bad.

February 8, 2014 at 9:19 AM ×

The confidence of Dr. Aghi and his governing council on a recovery in labor markets and wage inflation reminds me a bit like the confidence of Moff Tarkin on the Death Star:
