The Fat Cat and the Mousewife

There is a great interrelationship of dependence in the markets that can see supposedly opposing interests living contently together in forms of symbiotic relationship. US debt and who owns it comes to mind. We can also see this symbiosis between politicians and business, the Fed and financial markets and even the interrelationship between the rich and the poor. This cold war detente can also be seen closer to home in personal relationships. So we have written a little allegorical poem and leave you to decide who the cat and the mouse are in real life as we think there are too many to pick from. 

The Fat Cat and the Mousewife

Cat leaves at dawn to earn the crust, 
Mouse stays behind to clean the dust
And cook the food and mend what's bust
A life of toil but, hey, needs must.   

But once Cat leaves this mouse will play 
Cat's out at work for all the day
So that's the time for making hay
But once Cat's back this mouse will say

"I toiled so hard, today was tough, 
Look, nails broke and palms so rough
Yet I can never do enough 
To clean and mend and all that stuff."

But once he's out, she'll say "lets see.
Tour the shops, take café tea?  
Or lunch with friends down by the sea?" 
But once Cat's home her tale will be      

"Oh my life you would not choose.
Left alone to clean the loos 
Who'd want to wear my weary shoes"
(Even if they're Jimmy Choos)

Yet unbeknownst to Mouse, Cat knows 
He has to pay the bills she owes.
But 'tis small price for all her woes
And hide the places that HE goes

For Cat's not fat without a reason 
Wines "clients" late, dines dams in season.
All adds to life a certain frisson.
But if found out he'd hang for treason. 

But here's the twist, Mouse also knows  
The texts, the lipstick on his clothes
The scents on shirts, the pantyhose  
But Cat and Mouse are old, old pros.

Neither dare upset the cart.   
And wreck the lives they know by heart
Easier that than brand new start. 
So Cat and Mouse will NEVER part.

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March 14, 2013 at 3:36 PM ×

C Says'
Bravo,take an "A" !
However,for an "A*" do not be offended when I refer you to the Daddy on the subject. I am sorely tempted to cc this to global would be regulators although I suspect the effort would be wasted.

I give you the glorious Mandeville...

"A Spacious Hive well stock'd with Bees, That lived in Luxury and Ease; And yet as fam'd for Laws and Arms, As yielding large and early Swarms; Was counted the great Nursery Of Sciences and Industry. No Bees had better Government, More Fickleness, or less Content. They were not Slaves to Tyranny, Nor ruled by wild Democracy; But Kings, that could not wrong, because Their Power was circumscrib'd by Laws.

But Jove, with Indignation moved, At last in Anger swore, he'd rid The bawling Hive of Fraud, and did. The very Moment it departs, And Honesty fills all their Hearts;

For many Thousand Bees were lost. Hard'ned with Toils, and Exercise They counted Ease it self a Vice; Which so improved their Temperance; That, to avoid Extravagance, They flew into a hollow Tree, Blest with Content and Honesty.

Bare Virtue can't make Nations live In Splendor; they, that would revive A Golden Age, must be as free, For Acorns, as for Honesty"

March 14, 2013 at 3:50 PM ×

Hi, Question re the previous posting about China- the website you referred to, can you please confirm it again?

March 14, 2013 at 4:43 PM ×

Remember folks, if there's music playin, you'd better be dancin. - Chuck Prince

March 14, 2013 at 4:46 PM ×

Splendid.... an entertainment perfectly designed to distract LB from the slow exsanguination of certain segments of the portfolio this week.

The appointment of a new Pope who appears to be a pious Jesuit reminds me of the old joke about the cardinals panicking in the Vatican at the imminent prospect of a Second Coming, which ends with the punch line "Look busy....!"

March 14, 2013 at 7:30 PM ×

With all the noise coming out of the TeeVee (and is there ever a lot of noise!), you'd think that the homebuilders, XHB, were leading the market higher and making all time highs.... not so fast, Bobby the Builder is actually lagging the Spoos these last few weeks.

Checking Up on XHB

Some tool on Bloombags this morning actually predicted US home prices would rise 40% in 2 years. To which, I would reply, "YOURS, MATE". LB will take the other side of that bet, and will also take the other side of long XHB.

March 14, 2013 at 9:47 PM ×

Munis slaughter continues.
It's come to DD time.

Sign of things to come in other income themes?
Yes HY I am looking at you.

March 15, 2013 at 8:47 AM ×

C Says
Global enetertainment steps up as of today when Beppe's mob enter parliament.The test will be do they beocme sduced by the process,or do they retain their sense of Mandevillian outrage and clear out that hive!

Do we fancy a $ rest around here?
The pair context is growth via rate sensitivy pick one from many on offer.

March 15, 2013 at 12:05 PM ×

"Analysts at Credit Suisse on Friday said they were maintaining a 4% overweight recommendation on equities. But they raised their year-end S&P 500 target to 1,550 to 1,640 and lifted their FTSE 100 target from 6,600 to 7,000. "

If you told a 16 year old school leaver in --chester that people with science PhDs get paid for this, i don't think they would believe you.
